SALT Poster

24x36 inches

This poster was created for a church middle school leadership group, and displays a crisp and fresh layout.

Van Gogh Portrait

Created using various Vincent Van Gogh quotes and phrases to outline the famous artist's portrait.

Young Adult Group Poster

Designed for a young adult group, this layout showcases a clean yet modern design.

Children's Birthday Card

A fun and playful piece, this birthday card was designed for elementary children.

Murder Mystery Invite Card

Designed for postcard size, this fun design sports both mystery and Christmas cheer.

Kings of Israel Coloring Trading Cards (Front)

These fun trading cards are colorable, and were designed for a children's Sunday School at a local church.


Middle School Sermon Series Poster

This 24x36 poster, designed for a middle school youth group, uses unique fonts and short text to create a lasting impression.

High School Sermon Series Poster

Gripping and high-contrast, this design highlights technical skills while conveying the poster message in a memorable way.

Veteran's Day Poster

Classy and stylish, this 11x17 poster for a Veterans Day lunch catches the eye with its crisp design.

Christmas Sermon Series Poster

Festive and creative, this 24x36 poster highlights technical skill while also displaying a range in variety.